Thinking About Selling Your Home?
by Donald Lee
Owning a home is the original American dream. Its
the old frontier spirit, wanting to claim your own tuft
of the New World. Then again, these days it also makes
perfect economic sense. Experts estimate that all of the
homes in the United States alone are worth a combined
$14 trillion. That goes a long way to explain why a housing
boom has been sweeping the globe.
Where there is a boom, though, there may be a bust. Read
any headline from your local newspaper, and youll
see headlines such as Bye-Bye, Housing Boom
to Housing Boom is Leveling Off. Some economic
forecasters predict a bubble that may be about to burst.
They make you wonder: am I missing the boat?
Whether youre looking to cash in on this real estate
bubble before it popsor simply wanting to move to
a bigger home or move across the countryselling
your home can be more a nightmare than a dream. Not only
do you have to find and trust a real estate agent. You
need to prep your home for open houses. You need to haggle
with prospective buyers. Not to mention, you have to worry
about the moving and selling of all of your valuables.
Its almost enough to make you want to live in one
home for the rest of your lifejust as folks did
in your grandparents day. Then again, your home
is worth a percentage of that $14 trillion. Dont
you want to see just how much?
As hectic and horrible as selling a home may seem, it
really isnt so bad if you break it down into a few
simple rules. If you dont believe us, read the rules
for yourself.
Fuss over the façade. Your homes future owners
do not want to worry about repairs and renovations as
soon as they move in. So make certain they dont.
Be sure to have your home immaculately clean before you
invite prospective buyers over. Redecorate if your interior
is outdated. And invest in minor renovations if necessary.
Youd be surprised what a coat of paint can do.
Focus on the fine details. Prospective buyers will leave
no stone unturned when they visit your home. They will
test every light switch, run every faucet, and lift up
every toilet seat. Everythingand we mean everythingshould
be in working order before your open house.
Double check for blown out light bulbs and leaky faucets.
Scrub the bathroom and clean up any ring around the bowl,
tub scum, and any other nasty surprise.
Dont settle for maybes on safety. Ensure that there
are no safety hazards anywhere on your property. Something
as small as uncovered electrical sockets or as large as
an unfenced pool can scare off buyers, especially parents
of small children.
Create a soothing selling atmosphere. Imagine the last
time you visited a bed and breakfast. Your home should
be as welcoming and accommodating as that. One easy way
to accomplish this is by brightening up the place. Turn
on all your lights for your visitors. Plus, fluff up your
bedroom. After all, most people want the bedroom to be
the most comfortable spot in the house. Make sure it isat
least when buyers are around.
Clear the joint. Along with the last rule, there is the
standard real estate practice of vacating the premises
when buyers come for tours. This is done for good reason.
Buyers are there to evaluate your home, not meet your
sisters, sons, cousins, and cats. So send your family
to the mall for a day of shopping, or to the park for
a picnic.
Cut the clutter. All of your stuff can get in the way,
too. Thats why its important to start packing
and storing your personal belongings as soon as you know
youre going to move. An empty house is a cleaner
looking house is a more attractive house. You dont
want your perspective buyer opening a closet and having
a bowling ball fall on their head, do you?
Make a killing on said clutter. One option is to simply
move your personal items to your new home and create instant
clutter there. Thats the way of the pack rat. Or,
you could sell what you no longer need and turn a quick
profit. Thats the way of the fat cat.
If you choose wiselythe latter optionbe sure
not to hold your garage sale on the same days as your
open houses. Neighbors in their undershirts and jeans
on your front lawn do make for a great sales ploy. Instead,
it makes you look desperate and could hurt you come negotiations.
Schedule your yard sale on separate days.
Better yet, sell your goods online. Classified Web sites
allow you to negotiate with potential buyers, get the
best rates for your stuff, and ship it off at your own
convenience. And its all accomplished on your own
time, inside your own home (where you can wear your undershirt
and jeans and no one will care).
Take a deep breath. Lastly, never let the home-selling
experience overwhelm you. Sure, there are a load of responsibilities
to take care of. But that is what your real estate agent
is there for. They handle all of the grunt work. They
do all of the hard talking with the buyer. They make all
the follow-up calls. And they showcase your home for you.
Your job is just to smile, be polite, and answer the buyers
questions if they come up.
About the Author
Donald Lee is the public relations manager for Buysellcommunity.com.
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